The scientific committee is shaping the scientific profile of IALF and is responsible for the scientific development of IALF activities. Further, it is coordinating and supporting of working groups and the organizing committee.

Topics for Research and Training at Die Lernfabrik
Topics for research and training
- Energy and resource efficiency in production
- Industry 4.0
- Urban factories
Impressions of Die Lernfabrik

Topics for Research and Training at LMS Learning Factory
Topics for research and training
- Hybrid Teaching Factory Model Implementation – Connection between academia and industry
- Operator 5.0: Teaching and learning based on skill requirements of the future operators
- Advanced Simulation Design, Planning, and Control of Manufacturing Systems and Networks
- Robotic Systems, Automation, and their Applications in Manufacturing
- eXtended Reality (XR) (Augmented, Mixed, and Virtual Reality) in Manufacturing
- Manufacturing Processes Modeling and Optimization
- Predictive and Prescriptive Maintenance in Manufacturing
- Cloud Technologies and their Integration in Manufacturing Solution
- Internet of Things (IoT) in Manufacturing Innovation
- Digital Twin Concept for Manufacturing applications
- 5G Cellular Networks to Enhance Manufacturing Operations
- Artificial Intelligence Applications in Manufacturing
- Development of Product-Service Systems (PSS) and their Implementation in Manufacturing Solutions
- Blockchain Technology in Manufacturing Applications
- Industrial Metaverse and its Potential in Manufacturing
Impressions of LMS Learning Factory
Topics for Research and Training at LPS Learning Factory
Topics for research and training
- Lean Management
- Workers’ participation
- Industrie 4.0 - assistance systems
- Lean meets Industrie 4.0
- Human-robot-collaboration in manual assembly lines
- Digital Twin and digital Shadow in production systems
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)/ Machine Learning (ML) methods for production processes (e.g. quality control, machine data-based quality prediction and human activity recognition)
- Human Centred Design of Artificial Intelligence in the HumAIne Competence Centre (https://humaine.info/ )
- MES application
- VR applications in Lean/Six Sigma seminars (https://www.lps.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/forschung/projekte/willen)
- Application of 5G Technologies in the competence centre 5Guarantee (https://5g.nrw/best-practice/5guarantee/)
- Future Hub for companies in the „Ruhrgebiet“ (http://www.sfs.tu-dortmund.de/cms/de/Aktuelles/201222_ChangeRuhr_Zukunfts-Hub_Ruhrgebiet/index.html)
- Support of producing SMEs in rural areas as a Mittelstand-Digital Centre Site in Bochum (https://digitalzentrum-lr.de/)
Impression of LPS Learning Factory

Topics for Research and Training at LEAD Factory
Topics for research and training
- Holistic concept of agility to proactively prepare for uncertainties
- Age appropriate worker assistance and workplace design
- Teaching concepts based on skill requirement of the workforce of the future
- Lean Management: Lean principles, logistics principles, 5S, value stream mapping, line balancing, shop floor management, etc.
- Energy Efficiency: Energy measurements, methods to decline energy consumption
- Agility: Uncertainty and its impact on manufacturing, monitoring to early detect and fast react, governance & organization, strategic alignment, operational agility levers
- Digitalization: Digitalization technologies, implementation of digitalization projects and strategy, digital business models
Impression of LEAD Factory